20 Minute At Home Workout

Keep active and healthy during the social-distancing due to COVID-19

We know that getting a workout slipped into the day can be challenging. Sometimes the challenge is that there simply isn't enough time in the day to commute back and forth from the gym, and other times it is that our schedule does not allow for us to make it during business hours. For the days that are so packed or perhaps you just don't feel like or can't leave the house, we have devised a quick 20 minute routine you can do at home. This routine uses just your body weight, although you can add weights and resistance bands if you have them and want to increase the challenge. I do suggest a towel or yoga mat for the floor routines to protect your spine and knees. 


1- Warm-Up

Stand with legs hip-width apart and breathe in lifting your hands over your head. Exhale, and let your upper body drape over. Roll up vertebrae by vertebrae and repeat x3

Start your knee lifts, lifting your knees to your chest and arms straight out in front of you. Work with your breath and repeat 8 times. Continue lifting your knees with arms to the side x8 and arms overhead x8

2- Abs 


Now straight from your knee lifts get down to all fours on your towel or yoga mat. Hands directly under shoulders and knees directly under hips. Curl your toes and straighten your legs straight back. Pull your belly button to your spine and make sure your hips stay lower than your shoulders. Breathe in and hold for 8 counts

Now begin with toe taps. Tap out your right foot and bring it back center, repeat with left. Do this for 8 each side. Realign your hips, make sure they are lower than your spine and now start with mini pushups. Down and inch and up an inch. Do this 5 times and give yourself one final hold in plank before shooting your hips back towards the wall and stretching out in child's pose.

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Return to plank this time on your forearms. Bring your belly button into your spine and keep the hips low and start with knee taps. Bend your right knee and straighten, then left knee and straighten. Repeat 8 times each side. Hold your low plank for the count of 10 (or longer!) and come down to the mat.

Put your hands under your shoulders and push up your upper body, keeping your legs on the floor and stretch. Look to the right and half roll your neck, look to your left and half roll your neck.

3- Arms


Come back to the pushup position and start your pushups. Do 3 more than what you feel your max is then push back and rest. Come back to pushup and rotate your fingers to face your center and do 8 more. 


Back down to the ground laying on your stomach start to bring your arms to your sides. Here if you have light weights bring them out, but with just your body weight this is also a good workout. Face your palms to the ceiling and start little lifts with your arms. Sixteen lifts then hold with your arms at the highest point and start pushing your arms towards your center. Repeat 8 times and now make a fist and rotate your palms to the floor and now to the ceiling, repeat 8 times ending with the palms facing down. Now start little circles, the size of a golf ball. Make sure your arms stay straight and lifted, now change directions of your circles. Bring your arms down and stand up. Give your arms your favorite stretch and get ready for glutes.


4- Glutes


If you have a resistance band, place it around your lower thighs, otherwise this works without it. Stand with your legs hip width apart and start with your classic squat. On your 8th squat remain down and start your squat walks. Walk to the side x4 and repeat otherside. Repeat the whole combo 3 times

Leg Lifts

Now let your resistance band to your ankle, if you have it. Find a wall or something for balance, though doing this without a wall gets your abs an extra workout! Bring your leg straight back and start with leg lifts. After 8 lifts leave your leg in the air and bend your supporting leg and straighten. Bend and straighten the supporting leg x8 leaving the leg bent at the end. From the bent leg position continue your leg lifts x8. Straighten your leg and now bring to your side and do 8 side lifts. Repeat with the other leg and then repeat the whole thing twice.

5- Final Abs 

I like doing abs twice and this is just your final burn towards the end. Get on the ground and start with this crunches combo. 20 crunches legs straight out, 20 right leg on top of left, 20 left on top of right, 20 legs straight in the air, 10 leg lifts, 10 leg lifts with legs criss crossing. Repeat x 3

6- Final Stretch

Stand back up and stretch your arms overhead. Interlock your fingers overhead and bring your legs hip width apart and bend to the side, repeat on the other side. Now come center and open your arms, arching your back forward and roll up slowly. Repeat twice and you are done! 

Do you enjoy working out at home or at the gym? What are your favorite at home workouts? If you have any questions or comments please reach out to us at info@bullionite.com