3 Killer At Home Morning Routines

Jumpstart your day more effectively during COVID-19

The morning is arguably the most important part of the day, here is when we set our intentions for how we will use our day to the best of our abilities. A wasted morning can be enough to make your whole day feel off, so how do we make sure we get it right? The first key to creating a great routine is to make sure it fits your personality and energy levels in the morning. A morning routine shouldn't be something that feels like a burden or you will never stick to it. 

No matter the routine you choose for yourself, start each morning with a full glass of water and avoid screens until you have completed your routine. Screen time has a way of sucking energy at any time of the day, but especially in the morning. Besides this, you have no control of what the screen will first show you and if it is especially troubling or stressful you will be unable to focus as needed to set your plans for the day.


Routine 1- Cardio Hyperdrive

This routine is best for morning people but also conversely for those who need a little kick to make their day start. If you are one who is too sleepy in the morning to be able to focus on tasks then what you need is get your body moving! Right upon waking up, immediately drink a glass of water and get your gym clothes on and head out the door. It is up to you how you will get your heart rate up be it a brisk walk, run, cardio class, but you want to get your heart rate up for at least 20 minutes. Without breakfast you ask? Yes! Fasted cardio not only is a great fat burner but it will instantly awaken your mind and get you ready to take on the day. This also can help avoid indigestion and cramps caused by eating and immediately performing physical activities. 

It is natural to feel some hesitation on this routine. I don't have time or energy etc, etc. but I can assure you that there is at least 20 minutes at some point in your morning doing not much of anything. Such as, mindless scrolling or hitting the snooze button which is simply wasting time. This cardio injection will get you ready for the day much more effectively than the half sleep of the snooze button or lulling your brain into inactivity through social media scrolling. After your 20 minutes, take a shower and set your intentions for the day. While in the shower, give yourself 10 breaths deep and slow, visualizing your life force getting stronger while the water washes away your stress and worry. After your shower have a quick, nutrition rich breakfast (See 3 of our favorite recipes here) and you are ready to start the day!

Routine 2- Serene Beginnings

Not everyone will find cardio in the morning beneficial. If you wake up with an already clear mind and good mental energy you can try to put your breathing and meditation at the beginning of the day. Note: if you find yourself falling back to sleep or otherwise drifting, then I would suggest another more physical routine for you.


Upon waking give your whole body a stretch. Reach your hands over your head and let your back release any stiffness from the night. If you have a space you can enter, inside or outside, where you can be quiet feel free to go there, but this can also be done while laying in bed. Do not look at your phone, emails, missed calls or anything before starting this routine! Once you have stretched, sit up in a comfortable position and give yourself 3 deep breaths. With each inhale visualize your body filling with rich golden light and with each exhale see the dark matter flowing out of you, dissipating into nothing. On the fourth breath, reach your hands up overheard and with the exhale bring them down to the ground. Continue with these slow and even breaths. Feel your seat bones extending into the ground. Feel roots extending from your fingers and seeking the nourishment from the earth. Now continue with 10 more breaths. With each breath feel the green, healthy energy from the earth entering your body, combining with the golden light. Continue to exhale the dark matter till your whole being is filled with green and golden. Hold this feeling of fullness for 5 more breathes then slowly retract your roots back into your body, holding onto the energy inside yourself. Give yourself 3 more breaths and open your eyes. You are now ready for whatever the day may bring.

Routine 3- Plan and Conquer

Perhaps you have enough energy to stay awake through a mediation but no matter how much you resist the screens as soon as you open your eyes your mind is filled with nothing but deadlines. This doesn't mean you are doomed in the realm of morning routines, simply that you need to listen to yourself and utilize your natural desires efficiently. If you find that you simply can’t dedicate the time in the morning to exercise the body or mind, then schedule it for another time of the day when you will do this routine! 

Upon waking, still avoid looking at the screens and don't forget the glass of water, head to a space you feel at peace with a pen and notebook to write your agenda for the day. Perhaps some of you will prefer a screen for this but I highly suggest the old fashioned way for two reasons. One, we are avoiding screens and popups will happen and distract you from your writing, and two, when you need to reassess, reschedule and mark off things from your list you will be able to do it in the peace of no pop up interruptions. An added bonus for journal writers is that you can then write your closing thoughts of the day after your agenda.

Once you are in your space, you can choose to prepare a morning drink or snack of choice to bring with you. It can be as simple as a coffee or an elaborate process with music or candles, it just depends on what works for you. Now that you are in your space with your pen and paper write out the goals you have for the long term. These are goals that may take years to accomplish. Under each of these long term goals, write out the mid term activities you need to accomplish and under that the shorter terms until you come up with the item you need to do in the day to aid towards completion of that goal. For example, if your goal is to lose 20 lbs, your mid term goals could be to reduce sugar and alcohol intake or reduce calorie consumption. Then your daily goal could be to run for 20 minutes or skip the sugar in your coffee. Writing out the long term goals every day will remind you of your eventual goals without getting discouraged since daily progress will be small. Another great aspect of keeping these agendas in a notebook is that you can look back and see how far you have come!

Of course not everything in your daily agenda will have meaning towards long term goals, you will have dogs to walk and dinner to cook, but your priority will be towards giving time in the day for these long term goals in between all the activities you must do for daily life. Keep this agenda close by throughout the day and check it everytime you feel a little lost in your time. Once you have made your agenda for the day, you are ready to begin!

How did we do? Have you tried morning routines like this or similar? What were your results? We would love it if you shared what worked for you and what didn't. If you have any questions or comments please reach out to us at info@bullionite.com