3 Healthy Quick Breakfasts

Simple and tasty food to energize you while coping with social-distancing due to COVID-19


Mornings can be tough and eating breakfast even tougher. Though it is easy to skip breakfast with the stress of deadlines and expectations, it really is an important meal. Your body has fasted during the night and your metabolism needs to wake up, as well as your brain. Skipping breakfast can also lead to overeating and often this overeating includes indulging in less than mindful choices. Though there are many philosophies out there about dieting and fasting, I stand by waking your metabolism early and keeping it active throughout your day with small and nutritious meals when your body requests them. It can take time to learn the difference between need and want in your hunger cues; it is truly a lifelong process. While that will be a different path for everyone, one thing for sure is that we make better decisions in all aspects of life when our bodies are regularly fed. Here are 3 of our favorite quick breakfasts!

1- Overnight Oats

The best part of overnight oats is that you can make the whole weeks worth at one time. They are also super easy and customizable. We won't overwhelm you with overnight oats recipes here, there are already so many online, but we will share our personal favorite base that can be creatively utilized in countless ways.

Items needed: 5 mason jars with lids, large mixing bowl and measuring cups

Makes 5 overnight oats

3 cups of steel cut oats

3 cups milk of choice, yogurt or greek yogurt with option of mixing in 3 scoops of protein into the liquid

Spices such as vanilla, cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice

Add ins such as dried fruit or nuts

Sweetener of choice, sweetened to your taste 

Mix all the ingredients together and divide into jars. Seal jars and place in the fridge, done! They are ready to enjoy the next morning and last 5-7 days depending on the add-ins. 

2- Fruit Smoothie

Smoothies are just about everywhere and maybe even a little passe, but don't discount this amazingly versatile and transportable breakfast. I personally avoid outside options because not only are they expensive, they are full of extra sugar and calories. It is much better to make your own so you can control what is going into them. I have four tricks for great at home smoothies.

First, grab frozen fruit to cut down on watery taste and not to waste fruit that may turn quickly once you get it home. 

Second, use half a banana in all your smoothies. Bananas froth up and create the smoothie texture. 

Third, limit the amount of sweet liquids and avoid automatically adding sugar. Yes, you can add sugar later but you may be surprised at how sweet your smoothie naturally is. 

And fourth, if you opt for adding protein, use unflavored protein to add nutrition without adding funky flavors.

Items needed: Blender, fruits of choice, liquids of choice

Makes 1 smoothie

1 cup of fresh or partially thawed frozen fruit

½ cup of liquid

1 scoop protein (optional)

4-5 ice cubes (if using fresh fruit, omit if frozen)

My rule of thumb is pour liquid into the blender until it covers the blades, then add fruits and blend, enjoy!

3- Protein Coffee Frappe

Similar to a smoothie but with caffeine for those of us who really need the caffeine first thing in the morning. Grab a coffee, chocolate, caramel or any flavor you enjoy in coffee, flavored protein and blend with iced coffee and ice and you will have a nutritious and quick breakfast!

Makes 1 Frappe

1 cup of cold coffee or 1 cup water with packet of instant coffee

1 scoop protein of choice

4-5 ice cubes


Throw all your ingredients into the blender, whip and enjoy!

What do you do for your breakfast? We would love to hear what your favorite healthy breakfast is! If you have any questions or comments please reach out to us at info@bullionite.com