Determine The Areas You Need To Change To Live A More Meaningful Life
The first thing we need to do when assessing our Trader Wellness is to make a baseline assessment. So before we begin, take this short quiz to help you pinpoint your weak places in your armor. There is no shame in having weak places, we all must have them to be human, but it doesn't mean we have to suffer on them. By learning where our weak places are we can start reinforcing these areas of our lives instead of letting these areas take us down. To begin, grab a pen and paper or whatever your favorite writing device is and start answering the following questions.
1- Do you feel overwhelmed at work? Y/N
If so, how often?
a. 3 or more times a week
b. once a week
c. once or twice a month
2- Do you find yourself struggling to sleep at night? Y/N
If so, how often?
a. 3 or more times a week
b. once a week
c. once or twice a month
3- Do you workout as much as you would like? Y/N
If not, what is the reason?
a. No energy
b. No time
c. Not enough money
4- Do you find yourself overindulging in something like food, caffeine, drink or substance? Y/N
If so how much and when
5- Are you happy with your personal relationships? Y/N
If not, write out what you would like to change
Tally up your scores and write it out a simple sentence from each answer. Yes, I get overwhelmed at work about once a week etc. Now these are very vague questions and can have too many reasons for a simple quiz to give you answers but this is simply to provide a baseline on how you feel about yourself and what your habits are. Now it is up to you to look through your baseline and follow the next articles on what behaviors need to change and where your root issues lie. We will focus on coping mechanisms, anxiety, stress, intentions and goal setting and finally being present. Chances are if you are overindulging or punishing yourself with food or exercise you have negative coping mechanisms that need to be addressed. If you are struggling with sleep at night it could be because of these coping mechanisms or because of stress or anxiety, that is up to you to determine. If you are often overwhelmed at work and have sleep or overindulgence issues, the root can likely be from there, but if you are fine with work then look in your personal life. How are your relationships or lack thereof? Perhaps you need to focus some time on cultivating relationships to help end the stress and coping issues. When you are with your loved ones you may need to learn how to be present in the moment and not worried about the future. Proper goal setting and mindfulness can help you there. The final look is at your exercise and body, if you are not getting the amount of exercise you want and blame energy, look to the stress in work or personal life and your sleep patterns, if it is the time look at your anxiety levels, goal setting and mindfulness.
Often we do have time in the day for everything we want to do, but the issue lies in wasting time being stressed or anxious and feeding it by scrolling instead of bringing ourselves back to the present. Often we have coping mechanisms that include our social media, apps and games and other mindless and sometimes damaging habits that eat away at our time. Of course none of the above may fit you and you may know the more specific reason for your issues and that is great. The point of this exercise is to take them time to think and identify places in your life you want to change and what the stressors are. Through this innovative look we will give you the tools to start making small but meaningful changes in your life. Visit our blog at each week for the next part of the series. Reach out to us at with your comments and questions!