Breakfast Meal Preps: Two Simple Egg Meals

I love eggs so much. Seriously. In college when budgets were tight, eggs were there for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Later on, now that things are more stable, eggs are still there and are a great staple for any meal. An inexpensive, high protein food that is almost always freely available. Though eggs have gotten bad reputations over the years due to the cholesterol content, these rumors have been found to be largely misguided. Eggs contain vitamins D and E and essential fatty acids, they also contain protein, B2, Selenium, B6, Zinc, Iron and Copper. For those concerned about extra calories you can eat just the whites, which contain most of the protein, but I encourage whole egg eating because we do need the nutrients in the yolk as well, not to mention the taste is so much better. 

Sometimes it is hard to get eggs into on-the-go breakfasts since they require some sort of prep, and honestly, as wonderful as eggs are, hard boiled eggs are not exactly an egg's shining glory. But there is no reason you can not include eggs in your meal prep, you just need to do a little bit of planning. We already gave you a great breakfast burrito with eggs here, now join us for two more egg based breakfast meal preps that will have you singing the praises of versatile and yummy eggs!


Egg Wraps

Perhaps you have seen these in the store. Egg wraps are essentially very thin omelets to replace the traditional flour based wrap for sandwiches. Not only is this a great way to get some added protein and cut back on some of your carbs, it is also super versatile and can be applied to almost any diet. The only drawback is that the prep does take a little bit to master, but once you get it, it is as easy as making pancakes.



1 egg per wrap, make as many as you like, they will last 4-5 days in the fridge.


Heat up a small skillet over medium heat with your favorite fat to grease the pan (spray oil, olive oil, butter, etc) If you have a pan that is the same size as the wrap you would like to make, this would be ideal!

Take a bowl and crack a single egg into the bowl and whisk with a fork. If you want, you may add a little bit of water, no dairy though! Dairy will toughen the egg while water will keep it light. Salt and pepper as desired.

Pour the egg into the pan and let it cook for 30 second, carefully flip the egg and let it cook another 30 seconds on the other side. Remove and let cool fully. You can store your egg wraps with parchment paper in between them in the fridge or pre-wrapped with your fillings. 

How you decide to fill your wrap is completely up to you! Lunch meats, cheese, vegetables, spices for a savory wrap or fruit and yogurt for a more sweet based wrap. It is entirely up to you. Personally, I recommend the first layer being a slice of cheese or meat in order to catch the more chunky fillings should your wrap tear.

Homemade Egg Muffin Sandwich

We all have indulged in a fast food variation of this sandwich and cannot deny the classic taste. But we all can agree that both lines in the morning and the extra preservatives and oils in fast food are not desirable for most of us. We can combat these issues though by making our own at home and heating them up either in the toaster oven at work or before we leave. The one special tool needed for this recipe is ramekins or jumbo muffin tins. I highly recommend silicone muffin tins to make retrieving the cooked egg a breeze.


Serves 6

6 English Muffins

6 Eggs

6 Slices of Cheese

6 Slices of Lunch meat (optional)

Preheat the oven to 350°F. Grease your ramekins or muffin tins. Break an egg into each ramekin and carefully beat the egg inside the ramekin. Add salt and pepper to taste. Bake for 12-15 minutes or until the eggs are set. Allow to cool completely. While the eggs are cooking, slice your English muffins and place a slice of cheese and meat onto one side of each muffin. Once the eggs are cooled, place an egg on the opposite side of each muffin. Put the sandwich together and wrap in foil for easy baking. Note: in the foil these can even go carefully into a wide toaster. These also freeze well. To reheat, bake for 15 minutes at 350°F or microwave for 1-2 minutes (remove foil first).

What are your favorite egg recipes? Reach out to us at with any questions or comments!