Benefits of Boredom

Using boredom to stimulate your mind

We have all faced boredom at one time or another. However, we have probably become much more acquainted with boredom over the past couple of months. Boredom may seem awful or like a waste of time or life, but boredom is actually something very beneficial. When we are not exposed to stimuli we actually are able to become much more creative later on and it allows our brains to work through several ideas. According to a 2019 study in the Academy of Management Journal, boredom just might be the thing you are missing in your modern life that can lead to extended energy, creativity and passion. But not all boredoms are created equal, so if you are hoping to benefit from your boredom, discover how not only to get bored in the right way, but also to use it for your advantage.

Boredom is something of a novelty in the modern era. Advertisers are fighting tooth and nail for all of our free time. We are addicted to the dopamine hits that come from scrolling looking for something new and stimulating and in general being taken advantage of by technology. Of course modern technology is amazing for saving time and connecting us, but the underbelly of that is social media; which sells our information and does everything in its power to take all of our free time and turn it into one long commercial. The crux is that not only is our free time being sold, we also want to give it away. Fear of missing out, wanting to show your best life online and so on, all push us to more and more screen time. Even if you are not a social media hound, all the new entertaining content from podcasts, to shows and movies seem to be endless, we have so much to follow! Sitting by yourself in peace and quiet or doing a simple physical task are both disappearing from our daily lives. Why is this a problem though? Because it is in moments of boredom that our subconscious is able to work on things while we are awake. 

I was taught early on in grad school that sitting and seemingly doing nothing was an essential activity after reading a particularly interesting piece or even in the writing process. Periodically, after finishing an article or chapter, sitting down and just not thinking about anything helps you process what you have just been exposed to. I even found that if I went straight out to dinner or doing some social activity and didn't allow myself alone time after finishing my work that I would not have my thoughts straight for the discussions in class the next day, despite having read and understood the articles. It was then that I learned how important doing nothing and being bored can be for the creative process and in general your productivity. 

So now that we have spoken about the benefits of boredom, what exactly counts as boredom? In order to utilize boredom properly you need to be truly without stimulation. That means no scrolling, no streaming, no half chat conversations, nothing. I know we at Bullionite talk a lot about putting screens away, but the importance of no screens can not be stressed enough here. To try boredom in your life, you need to be truly bored, like you were as a child half way through summer. If you want to experiment with boredom try it in this simple way. The next time you have had an especially tough conversation, or project or even if you just feel like you are in a haze, simply go and sit somewhere with no stimulation. No music, no phones, and just stare at the wall. Don't think about a single thing. If you have somewhere to be or want to limit this time, set a timer beforehand so you don't have to worry about missing an appointment. Let your mind be empty. Eyes can be open or closed, it doesn't matter, all that matters is allowing yourself to get bored. Likewise, you can also do the same thing on a walk, or doing something like laundry or the dishes. 

After spending time in this nothingness you will start to get ideas about the issue at hand. This is because without all the external stimulation your subconscious is finally allowed to work and communicate with you properly. Do not be discouraged if these epiphanies do not start happening right away, it can sometimes take a few times or sometimes it will come several days later. I can tell you though that you will start seeing results quickly. It might not feel huge at first but being an avid boredom user I can tell you that I rarely go beyond 30 minutes of idleness before I am flooded with ideas and solutions for whatever I was worried about. When the ideas start coming, then you know it is time to end the exercise. Simply go back to your project and let those new insights flow! So next time you are feeling stuck or just a little foggy, try some good old fashioned boredom and the next time you find yourself with truly nothing to do, know it is not a guilty pleasure, but an essential activity to allow your brain this time to process. 

Have you noticed a surge in creativity after periods of boredom? Reach out to us with any comments or questions at