At Home Workout: Circuit Training

Exercise during COVID-19 quarantine

While the country continues to slowly reopen many facets of our previous daily life, it seems gyms are going to be the last on the list. Not that I blame them. Even on a good day gyms tend to be less than sanitary. I for one have seen enough questionable hygiene and lack of equipment wipe downs to make me sanitize everything before and after I use the machines even before covid-19, so I can only imagine what it will look like after. Even when the gyms open, the capacities may be greatly reduced or you may still feel it is the best idea not to partake in them quite yet. Because of these concerns we will be doing several new workouts this week to help inspire and refresh your at home workout and keep motivating you for just a little bit longer until our normal life returns.

Today we will be doing a circuit workout as we have done previously here. Circuit workouts can include several circuits that are repeated for a certain length of time. You can combine several circuits targeting different areas of your body or simply do one circuit several times. The idea behind the circuit is that we move quickly from exercise to exercise so we get both cardio from the speed and strength training from the exercise. Because of the nature of these exercises it is important to be already familiar with the exercises and to be sure you know how to do each one with proper form. With increased speed it is easy to start losing our form and with lost form we also lose the effectiveness of the workout and increase risks of injury. So with circuit training it is a good idea to build your routine around exercises you are familiar with and also be incredibly honest with yourself on what your abilities are. If you have a mirror, use it! Mirrors are incredible tools for self correction. 

Today's circuit will be a total body workout so we recommend that you use it alone, but you can also use it after a 10-20 minute run to boost your cardio and really challenge yourself. To do this circuit you will just need a mat and a timer. If you have a mirror, please use it, but if not, try to keep excellent body awareness throughout the exercises. Set your timer for the length of time you would like your exercise to be, we recommend 15-30 minutes. The goal is to continue to repeat the circuit with no more than one minute of rest between each circuit until the timer goes off. 

First it is important to give yourself a warm up. If you are not combining this exercise with a cardio session beforehand simply run or jump rope in place for 5 to 10 minutes before starting the circuit. Once you are done with this cardio come down to the mat for planks.

Planks - 1 minute

Come into your full plank, hands directly under shoulders and legs straight out behind you. Glue your two straight legs against each other, pull your abs in and keep your hips lower than your shoulders. Keep your arms straight and stare at the floor. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth for 5 breaths then lift your right foot off the floor and point your toe. Draw tiny circles on the wall behind you with your big toe for 5 circles, then repeat going the opposite way. Put your right foot back on the floor and check your form, straight arms, glued legs, tight abs and hips lower than shoulders. Repeat with your left foot. Put both feet on the ground and hold your plank for 5 more breaths and come down to the ground.

Push ups - 2 minutes

Come back to your plank position, or put your knees on the ground if push ups are hard for you. Give yourself 3 complete pushups, as low as you can go and back up. Keep hips lower than shoulders and abs pulled in. After 3 complete pushups, stay at the top in your plank and pulse your arms, down an inch, up an inch, for 8 counts then repeat the whole set 3 times.

Crunches and Reverse Crunches - 4 minutes

Come down to the mat and find your way to laying on your back. Bring your legs straight up overhead and start with crunches. The secret to crunches is to keep the belly button pulling in the entire time and letting your entire upper body lift as a unit, if you break and just let your shoulders rise up you are not using the exercise effectively. Do 20 crunches then get ready for your reverse crunch. Keeping your legs lifted overhead or bending the knees at a 90 degree angle start lifting your hips off the floor just an inch while keeping the upper body on the floor. Up an inch and down an inch 20 times. Repeat Combo.

Tricep Dips - 4 minutes

Come up to a seated position and place your hands and feet on the floor. Place your finger tips pointing towards your body and raise up so you are suspended by your hands and feet. Start bending your elbow while keeping your body firm. Do 15 tricep dips then lift one leg and do 15 more, do 15 more with the other leg lifted. 

Reverse Planks and Kicks - 4 minutes

From your tricep dips, extend your legs straight out into your reverse plank. Make your body one diagonal line, shoulders highest and hips lowest. Pull your abs in and tighten your glutes and quads and hold for a count of 30. Now start straight leg kicks 10 times, kicking the right leg straight up as high as you can and then left. Hold your plank after for 10 counts and come down to the ground. Keep your legs straight in front and flex your feet, extend your arms over head and give yourself a brief forward bend stretch. If this is your last repetition of the circuit you can continue to stretch as you like here, otherwise get up and do 25 jumping jacks and repeat the whole circuit.

Once you have completed the circuit you can repeat as many times as you want to fill your time limit. When the timer goes off, give yourself a few of your favorite stretches, spending extra time on the areas that feel sore. Be sure to give yourself an extra stretch before bed and extra water throughout the day to speed recovery. 

How do you workout at home? What are some of your favorite routines? Let us know any questions or comments at