Pilates Day Workout

A variation of the original Pilates mat workout

In honor of Pilates Day (May 2), today we are giving you a variation of the original Pilates mat workout. Not only is this a time honored and tested exercise regime, but it is a workout you can do at home with your own body weight. It is perfect for all ages and physical conditions and all you need is a mat or a towel to protect your spine to begin! Pilates was developed by Joseph Pilates in Mönchengladbach, Germany in the 1930s. His father was a gymnast and his mother a naturopath. Though he ultimately went on to develop machines to work through the pilates workouts, pilates mat is a long loved exercise that helps build strength, balance and tone. It improves your golf game, alleviates pain and is gentle enough to do even when recovering from injury. So without further adieu, here is a 20 minute version of our introductory pilates mat series. This is not completely the classic series, but one of our favorite beginner routines. We selected a mix of variations that should be appropriate for most everyone, but anything that can not be done properly, can be skipped. We also kept out side and front series for later additions to your pilates routine.


Start laying down on your mat, arms at your sides and legs straight. Breathe in and circle your arms overhead, exhale and round up your spine bringing your legs and torso off the ground, balancing on your tailbone. Pull your abs in and bring your arms to your sides and start pumping your arms. Do one hundred pumps, breathing in for five and out for five. Once you have completed your hundred roll back down to the mat.

Spine Stretch and Rollups

Now breathe in and sweep your arms overhead and exhale and lift your torso up, leaving your legs flat on the ground. Sit up tall then curve your spine and roll over your legs for spine stretch. Breathe back in, lifting your arms and exhale rolling back down, vertebrae by vertebrae. Repeat 5 times

Hamstring Pull

Lift your right leg and bring it to your chest, keeping it straight. Grab your calf and pull your straight leg towards your chest. Pulse in twice and repeat on the left. Do these 5 times. Keeping your torso lifted, put your hands behind your head and continue to lift the legs one at time, pulsing twice and switching while in this crunch position. Keep feet flexed.

Leg Circles

Bring your upper body back down to the mat and leave one leg up. Start drawing a circle on the ceiling with the extended straight leg. Do 10 circles in one direction and 10 in the other. Drop the extended leg and raise the opposite leg and repeat. Keep toes pointed.

Rolling like a Ball

Drop both legs and breathe in extending your arms overhead. Exhale and hug your knees into your chest while rolling to sitting. Find a balance on your tailbone and roll to your back and back up to your tailbone. Pull your abs in for balance. Do not let your roll extend to your neck, keep the movement from shoulder blades to tailbone. Do this 5 times and end in teaser (next exercise).


From your tailbone balance, extend your legs straight and your arms straight in front and find your balance. Hold as long as you can before letting your legs gently drop to the ground. 

ADVANCED: If this exercise felt easy, grip your ankles and continue with your rolling like a ball in an open leg rocker. For an open leg rocker, do it 3 times. 


Keeping your legs in the narrow V, sit up nice and tall and extend your straight arms to your sides. Twist your spine to the right and drop, extending your left hand to your right foot. Raise back up and twist to the left, extending your right hand to your left foot. Do this set 4 times,

Criss Cross 

Lay back down on the mat and put your hands behind your head and close your legs. Bring your left elbow to your right knee, bending your right knee into your chest while extending your left leg and then switching. Do these rapidly for 30.

Pelvic Curl

Keep your feet on the ground and arms flat on your sides. Squeeze your glutes and extend your hips into the air. Hold for a breath and let the hips slowly come back down to the mat. Repeat 15 times. 

Cat/Cow Stretch and Threading the Needle

This is my favorite stretch and a perfect way to end your series. Get on all fours, knees under hips and hands under shoulders, and curl your spine upwards, tucking your chin into your chest and breathing in. On your exhale, arch your back and extend your head to the ceiling. Repeat this cow/cat stretch 5 times. On your final arched back, raise your right hand to the ceiling, twisting your torso to face the wall. Shoot your right arm under your left arm through the “eye” between your left arm and hip, and let your right shoulder rest on the ground. Breathe back in and extend your right arm up again and on your exhale thread the needle. After 4 repetitions, do it on the left side. Now press back to child's pose and raise up to standing. Great Job!

Have you ever tried pilates before? What about other mat stretches? Reach out to us at info@bullionite.com with any comments or questions.