At Home Workout Routine During COVID-19: Lower Body

Lower Body Resistance Bands Workout

Although the country may be slowly opening up soon, there are still many reasons to limit our social interactions. A flattened curve can bounce back and with no vaccine in place yet we still do run a risk of infection without treatment. Not to mention that some places, such as gyms and salons will be so packed right when they open. I am picturing January in the gym multiplied by a hundred. So as the world slowly returns to normal, keep up with your fitness routine at home and enjoy the flexibility and convenience of home workouts while doing your part to protect yourself and loved ones from unnecessary exposure to Covid-19. 

If you haven't already purchased one, we highly recommend looped resistance bands for your home workout. Affordable, light weight, easy to store and most importantly, effective. Resistance bands are a great and easy way to add to your at home workouts. They come in a variety of resistance from light weight, to XX heavy so you will be sure to find your perfect band. We suggest getting several resistance levels for different muscle groups. Once you have these bands you can add them to many of your already established exercises as well as create new ones! To get your creativity started we have a killer lower body workout for you today. Of course the workout can be done without a resistance band, but adding one will really take your at home workout to the next level. This workout can be done quickly to fit into 20 minutes or can be a full 40 minute workout depending on how much cardio you do and how many times you repeat the sets. 

Warm-up 10 – 20 minutes

Depending if you are looking for a cardio and strength training workout or just a strength training workout will depend on how long you spend here. If you are just looking for strength training, jump rope in place (with or without a rope), run in place or run your block for 10 minutes. If you are looking for a full workout, extend this cardio to 20 minutes.

Squats and Crab Walks - 5 minutes

Take your resistance band and place it just above the knees. Place your feet hip distance apart and do a half squat till you make your legs 90 degrees. Repeat 10 times, on the tenth time remain down there and bounce for 5. Come up and give yourself one more squat and hold. Start taking sideways walks first to the left, x5, then to the right x5. Come up and give yourself 3 more squats, staying down on the third and start crab walks forward and backwards both x5. Repeat the Combo

Leg lifts and Pulses - 3 minutes

Stand up and adjust your resistance band, if it has ridden up, to just above the knee. Stand facing a wall or table and start with back leg lifts, as high as you can. Repeat 5 times on the fifth pulse up an inch and down an inch for 5, repeat the whole combo. Bring your leg to the side and extend your leg as high as you can 10 times. Repeat the whole combo on the other side and repeat from the top.

All 4's and Fire Hydrants - 3-5 minutes

Now come to the mat or floor and get on all fours. Keep your band just above the knees. You want your hands directly under your shoulders and knees directly under your hips. Pull your abs in and keep your back flat. Now be sure to maintain the flat back and tight abs and begin with a bent leg lifting up behind you. Flex your foot and act as if you are pushing the ceiling up with the bottom of your foot. Repeat 10 times and then go to fire hydrants, which are the same lift but to the side, just like a dog, this one is aptly named. After ten fire hydrants straighten your leg behind you and life your leg straight up 10 times. Repeat the other side. 

When you are ready for your second set of this super set you and add an ab portion by including the upper body. To do this, when you go back to your all 4's simply raise the opposite arm while you pulse up. For example, if you are pulsing up with your right leg, as you push up with your right leg bring your gaze directly in front of you while lifting your left hand off the ground and to the sky. When you bring your right leg back in, curve your spine and bring your left elbow to your right knee and continue with your pulses like this. The same upper body addition can be added to the straight leg lifts as well. When you are doing this you are releasing your tight abs so it is imperative that you keep your balance with your abs. If you find yourself faltering simply return to the original stance of the exercise.

Cool Down- 3 minutes

Now that you are done with your resistance exercises, find your way to the mat and lay your back flat on the mat with your feet on the floor. Bring your right ankle over your left knee and pull on your left shin, bringing the knee into the chest. Be sure to keep your right knee facing the wall to the right of you as much as you can. You will feel this stretch in your glutes which we just worked out. For an added challenge, grab your right ankle with both hands and straighten your right leg. Bring your forehead up to your leg and breathe in. On your exhale lay your upper body back on the floor. If you feel ready, straighten your left leg flat against the ground, not letting your right leg move. Repeat the other side.

Great job! If you loved this, be sure to check out our upper body resistance band workout here.

How are your at home workouts going during quarantine? Do you think you will continue working out at home after the quarantine is lifted? Reach out to us with any questions or comments at