Five Family Activities During Covid-19

Have fun and build lasting memories as a family

Extensions are being added to our nationwide shelter in place orders in the US and most of us are starting to feel the tension and anxiety from sheltering in home with our loved ones. There is only so much TV and social media one can take before boredom starts to set in. Although these are challenging times we should take a moment to consider that if our main issue is being bored, we are indeed very blessed. Furthermore, we also can see how the time with family can be an unexpected reward. Usually we are all so fast paced running from one responsibility to the next that none of us have more than a few hours with each other, and now we have the opportunity to spend quality time together. The problem now comes with what do we do? How do we spend time together without leaving the house? When I was a child, my mom used to be the master of creating boredom busting things to do around the house. Though they may seem silly or old fashioned now, the summers I spent with her participating in the activities are some of my best memories from my childhood. Here are my favorite 5 family friendly ideas to break the boredom and also build some good memories during these unconventional times.

1- Backyard Picnics

Get everyone together and make a family favorite meal! Why not have everyone participate and help prepare a fancy or not so fancy picnic right in your backyard? Enjoy spending time with the family in a place that we often don’t spend enough time in; our very own backyard, balcony, or patio space! Get out outside and spend some time in the sun breathing in that fresh air.

2- Family Costume Party

Just because you are trapped in the house, it doesn't mean you can't have a party with your family! Pick a theme, be it characters from a favorite show or movie, celebrities or whatever your family is into, and everyone dresses up like their favorite character just from what they have in the house. You can design a food and drink menu to match the theme and host a costume contest. Whoever has the best costume can pick the activity, movie or dinner for the next day!

3- Board Games Night

Dust off the old board games or find some new ones and start a competition! Start an Olympic style competition keeping track of who wins the most games over the course of the day/evening. Don't have any board games? Try any number of games that do not require purchases such as charades or Heads Up app (or make your own the old fashioned way). Even hide and seek or musical chairs can have new life in quarantine. Keep score and at the end of all the competitions see who the first place is! Winner gets to pick breakfast for tomorrow!

4- Scavenger Hunt

Parents, create a list of simple objects your kids can find around the house, or for older kids, items they can find on a walk in the neighborhood and take a photo of. Set a time limit and whoever has the most items of the list at the end of time or finds all of the items first, wins! Friends with the neighbors? You can make it a socially distant game including the whole block by getting everyone involved hiding and searching for items to photograph. Start a group text to keep track of each other and see who the winner is. 

5- Put on a Play

For the less competitive among us, the family can get together and create a play. Family members can play characters or set up a table with a cloth to hide the people behind and use dolls to act the roles. This can be a whole day activity! Pick out your story in the morning, start creating your scenery, costumes and script in the afternoon and perform in the evening. Record your performance so you can watch it later, and cherish it as a fun memory in the years to come. 

These activities are just the tip of the iceberg! Let your creativity flow and don't be embarrassed to try new ideas with your family. Never again will you have an opportunity to build memories and strengthen relationships like you do right now, so take advantage. Instead of having this period of time be remembered by your children as a scary or sad time, rewrite the story and make it a time of unprecedented imagination and wonder. It is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity to create lasting positive memories. Don't let the fear and uncertainty enter your home and most importantly, your children's memory. It is up to you as the parents to set the mood of your house. This reminds me of a way less high stakes version of the old movie “Life is Beautiful” where a father creates a world of wonder for his child in a concentration camp. You can even watch that classic as inspiration before setting out on your goal to create lasting, good memories for your children. 

What do you think? What are your favorite stay at home activities? Contact up at if you have any comments or questions.