Guided Meditations - Election Anxiety and other Uncertain Times

Election Season is here and some of us may feel the need to unplug from social media and the news and simply be present in our bodies and minds. To be here now is the most important thing we can do, not only for ourselves but for our loved ones. To help ease election anxiety we have developed a special guided meditation to restore our mindfulness in uncertain times. If you feel you need it, and let's be honest, I think we all do, go to your meditation spot, bring your timer and get ready for a restorative meditation. We cannot control the world around us, but we can control how we deal with the world.

Once you are in your comfortable space, start with some deep cleansing breaths. Breathe in through your nose, fully filling your belly and lungs with air. Hold this breath for a moment and exhale through your mouth, completely emptying your lungs and belly. Complete this breath cycle for about a minute or for about 4 to 6 breaths. Feel your heart rate slow and your mind feel at ease already as you allow yourself to slow down and be still.

On your next inhale start envisioning a warm orange light on your forehead. Continue with your slow and mindful breathing as you let the light glow brighter and brighter. It is the setting sun on the most beautiful beach, the golden light that appears to dip the world in gold every evening if only for a moment. When you feel you have the brightest most beautiful golden light on your forehead, start letting it travel down your body with your exhale. With each exhale the light drops further down your body, coating your skin with a beautiful golden light but still remaining just as bright as it was at the beginning. There is so much energy and happiness in this light that it can afford to bathe your entire body in light and still be just as bright as when it started. With each exhale it drops down lower, first to your mouth, then your throat and your shoulders and your heart. When the light hits your heart it is renewed with even greater light, almost blinding. The light from your heart splits to your arms and hands. On the next exhale it drops to your stomach, leaving a bright, shimmering heart behind. The light drops to your pelvis and divides between both your legs to your feet. You are an entire body of golden light and the orb is just as bright as it was before.

Now on the inhales the light travels back up your body, leaving an illuminated body behind. Two balls of light ride up your legs and unite at your pelvis, flashing for a brief moment before they travel on the inhale up to your stomach and heart. Two more balls of light shoot from your fingertips to your heart making the ball of light even bigger and brighter, but not diminishing the light of your body. Back to your forehead, your body is glowing and the orb is even larger and brighter than ever before. Hold yourself here for 5 breaths as your body glows. Feel the joy and happiness entering your body. Feel the hope you have had since childhood renewed. Everything is at it should be and you are exactly where you need to be. You are exactly who you are supposed to be and everything is exactly going to plan. You may not understand it now, but in the future you will. This is a lesson for you to grow ever stronger as you march to the goals of your life.

On your next inhale, absorb the orb into your brain, feeling your brain surge with wisdom and energy. Slowly open your eyes feeling your body renew. Feel your new found serenity and happiness pulsate through your body. Slowly start wiggling your fingers and toes. Let that energy work up to your arms and legs. Tilt your head, ear to shoulder 4 times and roll your shoulders back twice and forward twice. Sit up and stand, you are ready to face whatever the future has in store for you because whatever happens is exactly what needs to happen right now.

We can not control the future or our world but we can control our reactions. In mindfulness the most important lesson is to fully acknowledge your feelings but not let them control you. Remember this in the coming weeks and be at peace. Have any thoughts or questions? Reach out to us at