5 Tips on Staying Mindful During Election Season

As Election Season looms upon us probably everyone is in some sort of state of anxiety. Whatever your party affiliation, you are feeling like a lot is at stake this election. How we will approach the broken economy, the coming vaccine, the possible second wave in winter all lies in the balance of which party is elected. It truly feels like we could be at a historic tipping point in our Nation's history. For some of us, this anxiety is feeling like too much to bear, for others we may be disassociating or wrapping ourselves in work. If you follow any of our mindfulness articles you will know that neither response is helpful for our mental states and can have negative impacts in our lives. We must remember our mindfulness practices in times of stress so to “celebrate” Election Night, here are some mindfulness tips and exercises to help you stay present and full of hope.

Limit the Time you Give to the News

The 24 hour news cycle feeds off uncertainty and creating panic. If we are not careful we can be taken into the downward spiral of fear mongering and worrying that will ultimately not serve us at all. Limit your time reading about the election and give yourself a balanced approach. Regardless of political affiliations, try to read news from both sides of the party lines and try to develop an empathy and understanding for the opposing side. Limit yourself to no more than an hour of reading articles or doom scrolling; set a timer if needed. After the hour is up, get up and do something completely different! Go for a walk or run an errand. Talk to friends about non-election issues.

How am I Feeling?

In your daily mindfulness exercises ask yourself how you are feeling. Are you lost or confused, anxious or angry? Identify the emotion and the place in your body it is building and allow yourself to feel the emotions and then let them go.

Envision the Worst Case

This may feel counterproductive, but envisioning the worst case scenario from a logical perspective, not a post apocalyptic mindset is helpful for many reasons. One it makes you label your fears. Why are you afraid for this election? List the specific reasons you are afraid and start brainstorming the solutions for these fears. Most of our fears come from the unknown so even if you do not come up with solutions to your fears, naming them alone will take some of their power away.

List the Things that won't Change

Once you have gone down the darkest road you can imagine and come out the other side, now it is time to start listing things that can not be taken away from you regardless of which way the election goes. Your spirit or loved ones, your mind, the work you have already accomplished. The list goes on. Whoever runs the country can control a lot but they can not control everything and they can not control your life. They can't take away your love or life, they can't take away your legacy you already built. There are plenty of ways life will remain exactly the same.

Avoid Self Medication

If you find yourself falling into your stress vices, overindulging in drugs, alcohol or food, make note of these issues and then move to resolve it. While overindulgence can feel good to take the edge off in that moment, the long term does not change which can cause you to want to indulge even more and start a vicious cycle. Instead, step away from things that numb you and give yourself a hard reset be it through physical exercise, meditation or a nap. Never underestimate the restorative powers a nap can provide, especially if you notice your sleep is being disrupted from anxiety.

If you truly feel lost and can not resolve yourself it might be time to speak to your psychologist or therapist and any depression or suicidal thoughts should be taken seriously. Though this could be seen as an extreme reaction to an election result it is worth mentioning. If you notice the mental health in a loved one suffering in deeper ways be sure to reach out to them and offer support if needed. Even though it may feel to you like an overreaction, you never know the battles others are fighting internally.

How are you dealing with election anxiety? Reach out to us with any questions or comments at info@bullionite.com