Wellness Series: Part 5 Spiritual Wellness


Spiritual wellness is the most personal piece of the wellness puzzle. It can also be the most stunted and confused. We tend to get our religion from our surroundings and from our family upbringing. Though religion is not spirituality, just a spiritual practice, it is an important stepping stone in this process.  Sometimes we do not feel attuned to the religion we are born into or sometimes we are accepting but not very good at practice. It can become a further sticky situation as organized religions can be in the middle of political and social issues that we do not agree with, further alienating us from our religion. Many of us choose not to practice any form of organized religion because of this. But divorcing ourselves from the religion we grew up with should not mean also denying our spirituality. Whether we are religious or not, we do need to give energy to our spirituality and spiritual wellness. Even an atheist needs to look at their spiritual wellness. I understand this aspect can be a touchy issue for many, so there is an effort to be as neutral as possible here. Please do not let knee jerk phobias surrounding religion and spirituality make you skip this very important aspect of your wellness. 

Let us begin first with the assessment. Answering 1-4, 1 being never, 2 rarely, 3 sometimes and 4 often, rate the below statements.

1- I feel I have purpose in life.

2- I am able to help others without denying myself.

3- I volunteer my time or do good things with no expectation of return.

4- I feel a sense of destiny.

5- I am able to empathize with others.

6- I am able to take time to appreciate the beauty of life. 

7- My values and morals are consistent with my actions.

Tally up your numbers, if you have below a 15 you need work in this area and 15-19 you are on your way but still need improvement. If it turns out you need improvement in this area of your life, check out our tips below!


Take Time to Explore

Explore this life for it is, amazing! Explore the world, explore your inner thoughts, explore the thoughts of others. Whatever your origin story, this planet and this life is amazing. Take time every day to explore your world. If you are able to, travel. And when you travel, leave the resort behind and get in the streets and talk with people. But don't save this for only travel, talk to strangers and get to know the people around you. This world is so beautiful if we look for it. 


Though the meditation we offer here are not spiritual meditations, meditation has long been used throughout world religions as a way of knowing our spiritual self. If you do prescribe to a religious path, mediate on passages from your holy book. If you are not religious, get out in nature and meditate. Look at anything, a flower, a leaf, a rock and really marvel at the beauty of the object. 


We have mentioned this as a tip in several wellnesses but it is true. After your exploring and meditation and thinking, write it out! What do you believe? What is your higher purpose? Why for all of this? Philosophize on why we are here and what we should do with this life.

Express Gratitude


No matter what we have something to be thankful for. If we focus on the negative, then the negative is all we see. But if we focus on the positive, we will see the beauty in this world around us. Life is not meant to be perfect or without ups and downs, but the whole journey is something you are incredibly lucky to have the chance to take. 

How do you connect to your spirituality? Reach out to us at info@bullionite.com with your comments and questions!