Guided Meditations - Finding Peacefulness

Do you ever have one of those days where you just can't focus? Where no matter what you try to do you just seem to not be able to get anything done. Personally, I have been feeling this a lot lately. With the increased uncertainty in the country. I try to sit down and get some work done, yet I feel like I can not focus on the task at hand. I end up taking two or three times longer to get things done and then feel bad about myself for not being productive. I have also been having mood swings that are highly unlike me which I think are also a result of the unrest in my head. As I was struggling with these issues I realized what I needed to do was to meditate and bring myself back centered. We can be forgiving with ourselves right now since we have been experiencing extremely unique circumstances, but if you are anything like me, you still want to have some productivity. Also, not to mention that the feelings of restlessness and unease are not great feelings and peace is something we always want even if we are not working. To help combat these issues I started using the below guided meditation to bring forth peacefulness. The best thing about this meditation is that it only takes 5 minutes, so if you are already feeling bad about yourself for wasting time, this is a quicker fix. Of course the meditation can be extended if needed.


To begin, get yourself comfortable and find a space where you feel you can be uninterrupted for 5 minutes. Start with your mindful breathing and allow your whole body to relax. Set the intention for yourself now that you have nowhere to be and no obligation to make. You are exactly where you need to be. Let the thoughts that have been plaguing you come and go as you wait for your mind to settle. After a few mindful breaths, start to relax your whole body starting at the feet and working your way up. Let your legs grow heavy and relax, perhaps they fall open or cross, it doesn't matter just let them come to a place where they can completely let go. Visualize your legs widening out and rooting into where you are sitting or laying down. Work your way up to your hips and shift them from side to side, releasing any tension here. Stretch your back and let your head drop to your chest. Drop your shoulders down and let your head sway side to side. Reach overhead and stretch your back even more, extending your arms to their maximum. Drop your arms and let your shoulders drop even more. Work with your mindful breaths as you relax your body.


Once you have worked through your body to bring peacefulness, focus back on your breath. The next time you inhale, press your right nostril in and breathe in through your left nostril. Hold the breath for 4 seconds before releasing your right nostril and pressing in your left nostril and allow the air out of your right nostril. Now start the process again on the right side, pressing in your right nostril and breathing in through your left nostril and exhaling through your left. Keep this process going until you feel at ease with the process. Now start repeating, either mentally or audibly, the word “peace” with each inhale and exhale. Repeat the cycle and continue to alternate these breaths for 2-3 minutes or until you feel the exercise has achieved your desire. 

When you are ready, start to wiggle your toes and feet. Move your legs, twist your back and open your eyes. Let the energy return to the rest of your body and allow for yourself to be aware of your present moment and surroundings. Look at the world around you with more peace and patience in your heart. You are now ready to get back to your day. As things in the world are moving towards more and more volatility, it is important to keep a space for your home and a place for you to retreat to both physically and mentally. You can use this exercise for as long and as often as you need to. If you find your mind is still restless and you are still unable to focus, jump over to our workout series for clearing your mind here. Sometimes we are so restless that sitting still just isn't possible and we need to help our mind find peace through exercise. 

How do you handle days of unrest? What are your favorite ways to restore peacefulness and balance in your life? Reach out to us with any comments or questions at