Breakfast Meal Preps - Two Easy and Freezable Recipes

While many of us are returning to work at our offices this week, we are being faced with some unanticipated issues as we try to acclimate back to office life. I feel one of the main issues is what to eat for breakfast? Working from home allowed for a much more languid pace when it came to getting ready in the morning and a much more relaxed breakfast schedule. Now all of the sudden it is back to hit the ground running feeling and if breakfast isn't premade then it is likely not happening. While it is easy to go to fast food solutions, we have hopefully built some more healthy habits in quarantine and it would be a shame to lose them just because life is shifting again. A healthy and fast breakfast is possible and for much cheaper than the fast food variety, with just a little bit of thinking ahead. Here are two easy freezer breakfast meal preps to get you back and ready for the office!

Freezer Breakfast Burritos

These burritos are great because they store well in the freezer. A problem I always run into with meal prep is that ultimately I am lazy and I don't want to make smaller portions of two or three options, just large amounts of one option but then I end up getting sick of the meal and throwing away leftovers. This ends up being especially true with breakfast prep where I end up with a lot of variations on the same flavor. These burritos though can be made in bulk and frozen for up to a month, letting you have more variety in your breakfast prep. This recipe makes 8 burritos.


8 - 8 inch flour tortilla (or your favorite low carb or gluten free tortilla)

2 cups of shredded cheese or cheese substitute of your choice

2 Tomatoes diced

8 eggs or egg substitute

½ pound of your protein of choice (ground turkey, ground sausage, beef or meat substitute)

1/3 cup of milk or non dairy milk

1 can refried beans

optional frozen hash brown or tater tot

Salt, pepper, oil 


Cook potatoes according to package instructions and set aside. Heat oil in a large skillet and cook your protein until browned, set aside. Whisk eggs with milk and tomatoes and make scrambled eggs in the same skillet. Now for assembly. Lay your tortilla out flat and place down the center a layer of refried beans and place on top protein, potatoes, eggs, and cheese. Wrap the tortilla around and then wrap the burrito in plastic wrap and store in the freezer. To reheat, microwave for 4 minutes or bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes.

Freezer Pineapple Green Smoothie Prep Packs


I am sure by now you have seen the many meal prep services offering premade smoothies that you store in your freezer and may have even tried some. If you are anything like me, you have found these smoothies overpriced, flavorless and tiny. What is worse is that they have little to no nutritional value! But we have to admit the idea is good, so to remedy the issue we are making our own pre made smoothies. All you will need is some freezer bags and ingredients. Though this recipe is for a specific type of smoothie, feel free to experiment with your own ideas for smoothies. This recipe makes 2.


1 cup of pineapple chunks

½ a banana 

1 cup of baby spinach

½ cup of coconut milk blended with unflavored protein and sweetened to taste


Blend coconut milk with protein and sweetener and pour in a ziploc bag. Add your fruits and veggies and seal the bag. Label and store in your freezer for up to a month! When you are ready to eat, simply slightly thaw the bag slightly, either from being in your car on the commute to work or 10 seconds in the microwave and blend till smooth. If the contents get overly thawed you can add a few ice cubes.

Both of these recipes can last up to a month in the freezer so you can dedicate one day or afternoon to get many breakfasts set up, even for an entire month if you so desire. You also have the options to make these vegetarian or paleo, diet friendly or indulgent, it is all up to you. Either way you will be getting a homemade breakfast first thing in the day which will help the adjustment back to normal a little bit easier.

What is your favorite breakfast on weekdays? Reach out to us at with your questions and comments!