Lung Strengthening Exercises

Different ways to make your lungs stronger and improve your overall health

As we approach a possible commencement of reopening the country, we may soon be going back to our normal lives. Though we may slowly start returning to social lives and work that involve human contact, it does not mean that covid-19 will be going anywhere. We will be at risk of exposure and while over 90% of cases will resolve without medical intervention, 2 weeks gone for a bug is still not a fun way to spend your time. Since the virus mainly attacks the lungs, it is important to focus your attention on keeping your lungs strong. Our breathing exercises are already a great introduction to breath control and do help you strengthen your lungs and diaphragm but we have devised some specific lung strengthening exercises for you to add to your practice to help you keep your defenses up!

1 - Pursed Lip Breathing

This is one of our breathing exercises but this one pulls double duty in both relaxing you and being a lung exercise. Particularly if you are already able to take twice as long as to exhale as you are for inhaling. Pursed lip breathing is very similar to many of our breathing exercises to relax but it also has an added benefit of forcing the airways to remain open longer in the exhale, which over time can increase lung capacity. Lung diseases and illnesses often cause inflammation in the lungs which prevents proper oxygen absorption. To practice pursed lip breathing, breathe in through your nose and exhale through pursed lips. The goal is to double your exhale to your inhale so if you breathe in for 5 seconds then you need to exhale for 10 seconds. Practice this for five minutes. 

2 - Increase your Physical Activity

Not only does physical activity increase your overall health and mood, it is also great for your lungs. Just replacing 30 minutes of sedentary time daily with active time can increase your lung capacity. With lockdown, physical activity does seem limited and even our eventual return to work will also probably mean long hours to make up for lost time, but we can still dedicate 20-30 minutes of our day to our well being. Activities don't have to be cumbersome and can include games with family, bike rides, dancing, anything that gets the heart rate up!


3 - Practice Singing or Public Speaking

Those who have had singing or public speaking classes know that there is a trick to making your voice project and this is engaging your diaphragm. If you have interest in either of these practices, signing up for classes is a great way to kill two birds with one stone. If neither appeals to you, then simply practice your diaphragm breathing, letting your belly and lungs expand fully before exhaling and you will be able to get a similar effect. 

4 - Posture

Your lungs are soft organs which is why they have the rib cage protecting them. Not only are they soft but they also need to expand, which is why the ribs can also expand. All of this means the lungs can only work as well as the space they are given. If you restrict their space either internally through inflammation or externally by collapsing your rib cage, you will make them not work as efficiently. To ensure your lungs have enough space to function properly, be sure to perfect your posture. Sit up tall and take breaks when you feel your body is tired from sitting. Invest in a proper office chair if possible for home and office. While sitting if you notice slouching reach high over your head, now tilt to the right while keeping your ribcage facing the wall and repeat the other side. Bring your arms down and roll your shoulders back 4 times and forward 4 times. Finish with a shoulder roll back and set intention in your heightened back. 

When standing or walking, posture is also important, if you feel your shoulders rolling forward simply roll them back. You can invest in posture correcting devices available online to help create the habit, but it is not necessary. You can repeat the same exercise for sitting to reset your posture or simply give your spice a gentle forward bend and roll up slowly, vertebrae by vertebrae then roll the shoulders back. Do this three times and on the final time pull your posture to perfection. 

5 - Stay Hydrated

Although the lungs are focused around air and oxygen, they still need hydration to function properly. Our bodies are rather famously made of sixty percent water, so be sure to keep your hydration levels up for overarching health and wellness. Remember that caffeinated, sugary and alcoholic beverages do not count towards hydration goals and can actually further dehydrate us. You can keep track of fluid intake with your fitness watch if you need reminders as well. The goal is 11-15 cups of water a day. 

These are just a few tips for strengthening the lungs. Though strong lungs aren't the only helpful measure in protecting against covid-19 and possible infection, having excellent lung health will improve not just your chances for quick and easy recovery but improve your lifestyle in general as you make conscious choices for your body. Outside of exercises, several habits can also make a huge impact in lung health including refraining from smoking and vaping, keeping up with influenza vaccines and changing air filters in your house regularly to make sure you are getting air clear of contaminants.

How are you preparing your body to better fight illness? How are you preparing for the return to normal life? Reach out to us with any comments or questions at