5 At Home Date Ideas

Maintain a healthy and exciting relationship during COVID-19

A couple weeks ago, we discussed different ideas on how to entertain your children during the lockdown for covid-19 but what about for the young at heart? While children need way more energy from you to keep them entertained and are relying on you to set the mood for the confinement, it doesn't mean adults don't need any help. Many childless couples right now may have already started to feel the tingle of boredom and even resentment and bickering as the days of quarantine drag on. But just because you are confined to the house, does not mean romance and creativity is dead, there are tons of things you can do to make the days pass quicker and perhaps even rekindle some spark. Here are 5 date ideas that can be done in the house.


1 - Dinner and Dancing 

This is the most obvious to me, and the easiest to do. One of the things all couples love to do is eat together, from first dates to years in, a nice dinner is a favorite for setting the mood. Of course with restaurants closed to dine in, this can put a damper on things but it isn't impossible. Order in from your favorite place or if either of you are inclined to cooking, cook together a favorite meal. When it is time to eat though, don't just come to the table in the pajamas or lounge wear you have been wearing all day. Instead, get dressed like you are going out. Put on an outfit that makes you feel attractive. It can even be more provocative than normal date wear as it is in the privacy of your own home, and meet each other in the living room for an appertif. Dress the table too. Dinner music, candle light, nice wine, you can go as far as the imagination will allow. After dinner, you can “go out” dancing to another room or the patio where the DJ (your favorite internet music provider, or throw on a cd/record) is playing all your favorite music for as long as you want. 

2 - Garden Party 

Gather any yard games you may have, or purchase on Amazon, remember non essential items are about a week out nowadays so plan accordingly. Volleyball, badminton, croquet, frisbee all are great games to play with two. I also personally recommend small but adult sized pools available online. They have enough room to float and relax in a personal pool for two for a great day in the sun. Alternate between soaks in the pool and yard games. If you two are competitive, you can make the games have a wager on them, such as whoever wins the most games has to make dinner, do the dishes, or clean the house, etc. Or, you can just enjoy the backyard. Sandwiches and mineral water are the perfect accompaniment to this day of fun in the sun. I also highly recommend pre-making some snacks and packing in a cooler for more of a resort-like experience and so you do not have to stop the fun for nourishment. 

3 - Picnic Day or Night

Pull out the sheet, or if you prefer a bistro table, outside and set up a light lunch or dinner. You can either order take out or cook for each other. Candles or tiki torches are a great addition and also can keep the pesky mosquitoes away. Dress the part in your springtime date clothes and don't be afraid to bring surprises or little gifts to each other. It doesn't have to be big or impressive. One good thing about quarantine is that we are all appreciating the simpler things nowadays. Even a bag of favorite candy can mean a lot when lines for stores are so long. 

4 - Pillow Fort or Bubble Bath

I put both of these together because both have the same idea but not everyone will have a bathtub available so a pillow fort is a great alternative. Build a pillow fort with old sheets and decorate with LED lights or tealights. Pack the fort with snacks, drinks and music and get in your favorite pajamas and crawl in! Reminisce on how you first met or favorite memories, play card games, read jokes or scary stories to each other. Snack and laugh the night away like you're teenagers at a sleepover. 

Likewise, if you are lucky enough to have a large bathtub, line the tub in candles and bring a tray of fruit and cool beverages and surprise your significant other with a luxurious bubble bath. Talk the time away and if you're up to it, exchange foot or neck massages in or out of the tub. Don't forget the music! Remember to be safe with the candles though. You don’t want the fire department to interrupt your fun!

5 - Movies and Junk Food

Through the first couple weeks of quarantine, we all probably overdid our screen times, there is literally an unlimited supply of entertainment for us. This can be a two part date. On the first night one of you picks a favorite movie and junk food and the second night it is the other one's turn. Use this opportunity to share a favorite movie you perhaps would never end up watching together but you really want to experience with each other. It could be an old movie from childhood, a new release or just something that comes to mind. The important thing is taking the time to create a fun atmosphere. Get plenty of blankets and snacks, perhaps even build a pillow fort for your movie night, and get ready for entertainment and snuggles.


Really all of these ideas are pretty simple, but the point of each of them is to take time and energy to create something fun for each other. Right now we are unable to do so many things, but our emotions are still unhindered. Take advantage of the free time you have now to brainstorm and really create something fun for the two of you to experience together. Just like our advice with kids in the quarantine, the mood is all set by you, you can make this an awful experience filled with anxiety and dread or you can create a small fantasy for each other fueled by your love. This can be a time for you two to grow together. Resist the urge to sequester and bicker while you let negative emotions set in and instead try to build something fun together that you may even look back on fondly. Quarantine is a fact; the only choice is what we make of it. 

What have you done to create fun during lockdown? What is something you would like to try? Reach out to us at info@bullionite.com with any comments or questions.