At Home Workouts: Pilates Side Series

While we are waiting for gyms to reopen or perhaps for the crowds to die down at said gyms, we at Bullionite are offering many new workouts to inspire and renew your at home gym routine since lockdown. Today we will focus on a pilates inspired series. Pilates is one of the best exercises you can do at home. All you need is a mat and maybe a mirror and that's it! I love pilates because you don't need any equipment or weights, but rather use your own body weight as resistance. It is perfect for those recovering from injury but is also great for those who are athletic. I really can go on and on about why I love pilates but I will stop here so we can get into the workout. For this exercise series we will be focused on the legs in what is called side series in pilates. Side series may look familiar to some, especially if you or a loved one ever did the Jane Fonda at home exercise series. That is because Jane Fonda was heavily inspired by pilates! Today's side series will tone your legs, including the pesky inner thighs and like all pilates workouts, also hits your core secondarily. 

To begin, sit on your side and rest your right forearm on the ground while stacking your legs on top of each other. Bring your left hand in front of your body against your belly as a reminder to keep your abs pulled in and your center still at all times of these exercises. Stack your legs slightly in front of you so you make a slight diagonal from your hip. Rotate your legs slightly turned out. Double check your stance and now we are ready to begin. We will be lifting the legs only, do not rely on momentum or sudden thrusts to get your leg up.

Leg Lifts

To begin, kick your left leg straight up in the air as high as you can while keeping the rest of the body still. Keep the leg straight and point your toes. Keep your hips staked and concentrate on keeping your abs pulled in. Repeat 8 times.

Front and Back

Now return the leg to resting and flex your top foot. Kick forward, double pulse and kick back with toe pointed, double pulse. So it is double flexed forward, double pointed back. With this swinging motion be sure to keep the body absolutely still! Repeat 8 sets.

Point and Flex Leg Lifts

Return to your leg lifts with pointed toe up and flexed foot down, keeping the hips stacked and abs solid. Another 8 times

Side Crunch

Return the legs to resting and now bring your left hand behind your head. Crunch up your upper body while lifting two glued together legs just a couple inches and then return to home. Again repeat 8 times.

Inner Thigh Lift

Now bend your left leg and bring your left foot to your torso. Wrap your left arm through the opening and find a secure place to rest your hand on the floor. Hips are stacked and abs are still pulled in. Start lifting the right leg from the ground just up an inch and down an inch. Repeat 8 times. Staying in this position, start drawing little circles with your right toe 8 each way. 


Now bend both legs to a ninety degree angle with the knees slightly in front of your hips. Keep your hips stacked and abs pulled in. Start by opening your top leg to make a clam and then, while keeping the leg lifted, twist the knee down to touch the knee resting on the floor, open and bring toes together and close bringing knees together, always bringing down the top leg to meet the bottom, the bottom leg is completely motionless. The whole movement should look like a clam opening and closing. Repeat 8 times. Now leaving the knees touching, lift the top leg slightly to give a couple inches of room and start circling your leg from your hip. Circle for 4 forward and 4 backwards.

Over and Back

Straighten your legs back out and return to your original stance; legs slightly in front of hips. Bring your left hand in front of your belly to remind you to keep your abs pulled in and rest on your right forearm. Lift your top leg and tap your toe in the front and the back of your body. Over and back quickly as if the floor was lava. Do this 8 times.

Grand Battements and Stargazer Stretch 

Extending from your over and back start adding a high kick (gran battement), tap forward and back and high kick! Do this 8 times before ending and grabbing your ankle and taking a straight leg up and over; stretch your leg as much as you can to your head. Lay on your side and pull your leg even deeper into the stretch. Holding your leg, roll to your back and stretch the leg in front. Bring your head up to meet your leg and breathe in. On the exhale, bring your head back down and pull the leg even deeper into the stretch. Bend your leg and rest your ankle on the thigh of your other leg. Bend and lift your right leg and interweave your arms into the legs and pull your right knee into your chest, stretching your left glute. Release and complete your roll over to repeat on the other leg.

Once you have finished both sides, come to a sitting position and bring both feet on the ground and rise up slowly. Sweep your arms forward, bending your knees and bringing your head to your knees and sweep back up rolling your shoulders back. Repeat 3 times, standing tall on the last one. Great job!

What are some of your favorite workout routines that do not need equipment? Reach out to us at with any questions or comments.