At Home Workout Routine During COVID-19: Upper Body

Upper Body Resistance Bands Workout

As we promised earlier this week, here is our upper body workout with your new resistance bands.  With resistance bands there are several resistance levels and you may find that you will need to adjust the resistance you are using for your upper body and even for different muscle groups. Triceps for example, when exercised and isolated properly will require much less weight than say biceps. Be careful not to let ego take over here and listen to your body. It is way more important that the workout is done properly, with all of the forms being correct, than for you to move up to a heavier resistance. Ultimately doing the exercise improperly will not only hurt you, it also will not give results. We at Bullionite know how important your time is and we do not want you wasting your time on things that will not help you, so please keep the ego aside and do the exercises properly and with the proper resistance band weight.

Ok! That being said let's get into the workout! Just like the lower body workout, this one can be modified into a quick 20 minute or a full 40 minute workout depending on how many reps you do and how long you do your cardio for. Either way you do it, this is a super effective workout.

Warm-up/Cardio - 10-20 minutes

Depending if you are looking for a cardio and strength training workout or just a strength training workout will depend on how long you spend here. If you are just looking for strength training, jump rope in place (with or without a rope), run in place or run your block for 10 minutes. If you are looking for a full workout, extend this cardio to 20 minutes. 

Shoulder Wings and Presses - 5 minutes

Standing with legs hip distance apart, pulled in abs and tall back, take the resistance band and loop on your lower arm a few inches below your wrist. Make your arms perfect 90 degrees L's and place them right in front of you. It is super important that the elbows stay in line with the shoulders, do not let them raise or fall or you will not be getting the maximum benefit of the workout. With your arms directly in front of you bring one arm to your side as far as you can and then back center. Open the arm like a door keeping the shoulder in line with the elbow, repeat 5 times then do the other side. When switching sides give yourself a quick check. Shoulders are pushing away from the ears, you have a long neck, elbows are in perfect line with the shoulders. 

Now drop your arms to your sides, keeping the L in your arms. Open your arms like a bird flapping its wings, bringing your elbows in line with your shoulders. Repeat 5 times. Now add a press back, pushing the shoulder blades together when your arms are up. Repeat 5 more times and go back to shoulder wings repeating that combo before going back to presses.

Lats Pull up and Push Down - 5 minutes

Now grip one part of your resistance band and extend your arm down to the center of your front. Grasp another side of the band and pull that arm straight to the side to shoulder height. Repeat 5-10 times then  take both arms and extend over your head. Keep one arm as the support over the head and the other bring down with a straight arm to about chest height. Repeat 5-10 times then repeat the whole combo again. After you have done this be sure to do the other side. 

Plank Row to Final Plank - 5-10 minutes

Come down to your mat and get on all fours. Put the loop of the resistance band in your right hand and rotate to face the wall. Place your right knee on the floor and extend your left leg out. Grasp the other end of your band in your left hand and place the left hand next to the right hand. Face the wall, shoulders square and pull your left hand up in a row movement to the shoulder. Do this 10 to 15 times and then rotate to all fours. Put your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips, pull your abs in and flatten your back and extend your legs into a plank position. Hold your full plank for 60 seconds, or as long as you can. Be sure to keep the hips lower than the shoulders and abs pulled in.

When you are done with the plank you are now ready for the other side. Put the loop of the resistance band in your left hand and rotate to face the wall. Place your left knee on the floor and extend your right leg out. Grasp the other end of your band in your right hand and place the right hand next to the left hand. Face the wall, shoulders square and pull your right hand up in a row movement to the shoulder. Do this 10 to 15 times and then rotate to all fours and go back to your plank. This time, for an added challenge do a forearm plank. This is your same plank but resting your forearms on the ground while grasping your hands together. Hold this plank for 60 seconds. Repeat the whole combo again for an added challenge. 

Cool down - 3 minutes

Once you have finished your last plank, come to your knees and push your hips back, extending your arms in front of you in child's pose. Breathe here for as long as you need and come up. Great Job!

How have you been modifying your workouts since quarantine? Will you continue to workout at home after the quarantine is lifted? Reach out to us with any questions or comments at