Mukarram Mawjood’s Evening Routine

Using mindful meditation to relax and clear your thoughts before sleep

While we have spent a lot of time focusing on morning ritual and how to start our days, we have yet to give any basis for how to finish our days. Now, there are many ways for a day to finish well, but today we are in for a special treat as Mukarram Mawjood, Head Trader and Owner of Bullionite, shares how he closes his day with his evening routine with us. For Mukarram he loves to use a process known as Mindfulness Meditation. His routine is only 15 to 20 minutes, though it can be shortened to fit in perfectly in that space of time after the kids go to bed and before you are ready to turn in. Though he admits, some nights he is too tired and he simply has to wait till morning, he likes to reserve his mornings for religious contemplation and his evenings for mindfulness. While 20 minutes sounds like a lot of time to dedicate, he assured us that even with his commitments with trading the markets, building his business, family, life and kids he still finds the time he spends meditating to not only be doable but an incredibly powerful use of his time. 

So how does Mukarram do his mindfulness meditations? Here is a simple routine he suggests for a beginner in mindfulness meditation. You will need a timer and a quiet space and as little as 15 minutes and as much as 30 minutes of your time in the evening, preferably after the kids are in bed and you have finished your active routine of getting ready for sleep. Get into a space, it doesn't have to be a special room but you should feel comfortable. You can sit or lay down, anything that feels right for you. Once you are comfortable, start focusing on your breath. Shut your eyes and breathe in deeply allowing your diaphragm and lungs to fill to a soft belly. Exhale slowly pulling your diaphragm in. Do a few more of these calming breaths until you feel ready to move on.

At this point your mind may start trying to distract you. Reminding you of to do lists and things that need to be purchased or returned, eaten or made, ignore them and let your mind rest. Give yourself permission to relax and not think about any of the demands of the day. If there is something that is persistently popping up, let your mind think on it for a breath but on the exhale let it fade away. Once you have your mind clear, start feeling for any discomfort in the body. Are your shoulders high, neck tense, fist clenched, knees locked? Slowly and deliberately allow your body to release the tension spots. These tension spots are where you are holding pent up emotion from the day. Eventually with practice, you will be able to learn what emotions are causing these tensions, but for now just focus on relaxing tension. Give yourself a gentle check from your head to your toes that everything is relaxed. Once you have done that, draw your attention to your face and allow the jaw to unclench and muscles in your cheeks to relax. You have nowhere to be, no deadlines to be concerned with, nothing exists except for this moment, your body and your breath. Hold this space for as long as you need, and when you are ready, open your eyes. How do you feel? Note the changes in your disposition and body. You should feel more relaxed and open, though it may take a couple sessions before you get there. Once you have mastered this technique you are ready to move on to more advanced techniques in mindful meditation.

Have you ever tried meditation? What did you like/ didn't like? Let us know your comments or questions at