Daily 20 Minute Exercise Routine

An exercise plan for each day of the week to keep you active at home during covid-19

Previously we had interviewed Mukarram Mawjood, Head Trader and Owner of Bullionite, on his tips for success during quarantine and his daily habits. One thing he mentioned was dedicating 20 minutes a day to exercise. While dedicating this time can be difficult, in our current quarantine, it can appear to be easier to find the time, but now with gyms closed we may not know what to do or how to exercise. So here at Bullionite we decided to devise a 7 Day Plan of 20 minute exercises that you can do from home. All you need is your own body weight; though if you have resistance bands or weights you can incorporate them.


Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday: Cardio and Abs

Stretch - 2 minutes 

Start your exercise with a 2 minute stretch on a mat or towel. We are going to stand up tall and tilt our head to the side, ear to shoulder, alternating 4 times. Then let your head drop forward and do half neck rolls from shoulder to shoulder, letting your chin graze your chest 4 times. Then let your shoulders join in the swaying motion, then waist, then hips, each section getting 4 rolls before moving on the next. Once you are hanging your upper body forward, soften your knees and drop the weight of your head to stretch out your back. Roll up slowly, vertebrae by vertebrae. Reach over your head again and now forward bend with straight legs, stretching your calves. While still in your forward bend, cross your right leg over your left and deepen your stretch, hold for 4 counts. Now cross the left leg over right and again hold for 4 counts. Roll back up slowly and bring your legs hip distance apart. From here reach up, breathing in and come forward with a flat back, reaching your arms straight in front of you. Curve your back and drop your upper body down and roll back up. Repeat 3 more times. Leave your mat or towel out for your ab routine later.

Cardio - 10 minutes

Your cardio is up to you. For beginners, I would suggest a brisk walk, for intermediate and advanced you can run or jump rope (with or without a rope). The important thing here is to get your heart rate up. If you have a fitbit or sports watch you can keep track of your heart rate but you can also use your ability to talk as a guide. We want these 10 minutes to be within the fat burning and anaerobic exercise zones, which the heart beats per minute will largely depend on your age. See this chart for reference (https://fitnesshealth.co/blogs/fitness/14112669-best-heart-rate-to-burn-fat ). Once you know the heart beat range you need, watch your watch to be sure you push yourself into this zone. If you are using your speech to be able to determine your effort, then you want to be able to speak no more than a couple words a minute, if you can carry on conversation you are not working hard enough for this short bout of cardio.

Abs - 8 minutes

Once you are done with your cardio immediately start your abs. Get on your back and place your hands under your hips. Straighten your legs overhead and point your toes and start leg raises. Your hips should stay on your hands the whole time and your legs stay straight. Move steady and slow, don't use momentum to cheat! Bring your legs as low as you can while keeping your hips square on the floor. When you feel them rising then lift your legs slightly. If you are advanced enough that after 10 of these leg raises you are bringing your legs all the way down to the floor and all the way straight up then you can start crossing your legs at the ankle. Quickly beat the legs, crossing again and again while you continue with your leg raises. Remember to keep the hips on the floor. Do 20 total leg raises or 10 straight leg and 10 beating. 

Now bring the legs flat on the ground and start crunches. Most people do their crunches improperly so here is a quick lesson. First you need to raise your entire torso from belly button to crown of your head as one unit. Like you have a broomstick tied to it. Do not just bring your chin into your chest and barely lift. Move the entire upper body as one unit where shoulders lift off the floor while remaining flat, no curve in your shoulders. To engage this movement pull your belly button to spine. You should feel a pull towards the center of your body with every crunch, like a vortex has opened in your mid-back and is pulling you through. It is a small, but very effective movement. If you don't feel anything after 20, you are doing them wrong. Continue with these crunches 20 legs straight out, 20 one leg up, 20 other leg up, 20 both legs up. Repeat with your leg lifts 3 times.

Once you are done you have the option to do a 60 second plank, being sure that you are keeping hips below your shoulders and maintaining the broomstick on your back mentality. There should be no curve in your back. Finish your plank and come down to the ground, put your hands under your shoulders and push up your upper body, keeping your legs firmly on the floor, stretch your abs out and push back to child's pose to come up.

Cool Down (optional) 2 minutes 

Repeat your warm up series spending extra time on your hamstrings.

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday: Upper Body and Legs/Glutes

Warm-up - 2 minutes

Start standing at the front of your mat, start with your hands straight in front of you and try to bring your knees to your arms with a step, lift your leg. Step lift for 8 beats then reach your arms overhead keeping your legs just as high as when you were checking them with your arms. Continue for 8 beats then start pulling your arms down with each leg lift, still keeping your legs just as high. Continue for 8 beats then bring your arms down and start stepping side to side, twisting your upper body with a crossbody punch each time. Repeat these punches 8 times and go back to the beginning, repeating the whole sequence.


Upper Body - 10 minutes

Come to the floor and get in a push up position and start your pushups. If you have a resistance band, put it around your ankles. Do 8 pushups in whatever style you choose, on the knees or feet, (if you do on your feet be sure you keep your body in perfect form. Hips should be lower than your shoulders and have a broomstick back. If this is too difficult, switch to knee push ups. After your 8 pushups hold your plank, if you are on your knees bring your legs out for this. Count to 20 in your plank, then start plank jacks, jumping your legs as wide as you can and jumping them back center for 10 counts. Repeat one more time and push back to child's pose for a rest. Repeat the whole pushup and plank combo.

Now switch to sitting on the floor and put your feet under your knees. Remove your resistance band. Bring your hands directly under your shoulders, fingertips facing your body and push up into a crab position. Start tricep dips here, down an inch and up an inch for 10. If you want an added challenge, lift one leg straight up in the air, toes pointed, leg straight and continue with your tricep dips for 10 more, repeat on the other side. If you have time in your ten minutes add 10 burpees to the end.

Legs/Glutes - 8 minutes

Stand towards the front of your mat. Put one leg back in the lunge position and start with single leg lunges. In your lunge you want to be very careful that your knee never ever extends past your toes on your front leg. This puts unnecessary pressure on the knee. Do 5 full lunges with the back knee coming all the way to the ground and up. On your last lunge stay as low as you can and pulse for 5. Hold your deep lunge position, pulling the belly button to your spine, finding your balance, for 5 counts and come up. Repeat the other leg.

Put your resistance band above your knees if you have one and start with squats. 10 full squats, holding on the last one and squat walks for 10. Repeat the whole combo then come up to standing. With your leg straight behind you, do full leg lifts as big as you can while keeping your hips and shoulders square. On your 10th lift, pulse for 5 and now bring your leg to the side, doing side leg lifts for 10. Repeat combo before switching to your other leg. If there is time repeat the whole exercise from the top.

Cool Down - 2 minutes (Optional)

Cool down from your exercise with a 2 minute stretch on a mat or towel. We are going to stand up tall and tilt our head to the side, ear to shoulder, alternating 4 times. Then let your head drop forward and do half neck rolls from shoulder to shoulder, letting your chin graze your chest 4 times. Then let your shoulders join in the swaying motion, then waist, then hips, each section getting 4 rolls before moving on the next. Once you are hanging your upper body forward, soften your knees and drop the weight of your head to stretch out your back. Roll up slowly, vertebrae by vertebrae. Reach over your head again and now forward bend with straight legs, stretching your calves. While still in your forward bend, cross your right leg over your left and deepen your stretch, hold for 4 counts. Now cross the left leg over right and again hold for 4 counts. Roll back up slowly and bring your legs hip distance apart. From here reach up, breathing in and come forward with a flat back, reaching your arms straight in front of you. Curve your back and drop your upper body down and roll back up. Repeat 3 more times. 

If you have any questions or comments, reach out to us at info@bullionite.com