Breathing Exercises for Sleep

Use breathing to help you decompress before and during bedtime

Sleep is an elusive mistress for us in the modern world. Thoughts of the day, worry and regret can all plague our minds making sleep harder and harder to come by. Though there are modern methods including prescription medications, these may not be the best choice for long term wellness. Addiction, misuse, limits on alcohol consumption, building tolerance and requiring higher doses are just some of the negative side effects of relying on prescription or OTC sleep aids. Also, besides these side effects, there is also the question of just how good is the quality of sleep you receive using these aids. Many will leave you feeling unrested and lethargic despite actually putting you to sleep. Instead, we at Bullionite suggest using our tips here as well as several breathing techniques we have found useful for bringing sleep listed below. 

Breathing techniques aren't one size fits all, nor are they appropriate for all situations. If you find one doesn't work for you, simply move to the next until you find the winner. The same technique also might not work for every type of insomnia. Just like many different things can leave us tossing and turning each night, so is the cure for each ailment different. Be sure to remain open minded and kind to yourself and body as you explore these natural techniques for getting a good night's rest. 

4-7-8 Breath

We have already broken down this technique here but to review; this breath concentrates on altering how much time we spend in each cycle of the breath. Inhale for 4, hold for 7 and exhale for 8, immediately going back to the inhale for 4. Now, this is an advanced breathing technique. You may find yourself struggling through one of the cycles and this is ok. If you find you are struggling try prefacing this exercise with a breathing exercise to calm down before attempting the 4-7-8 breath. You also can try quickening your counts, but we find that tends to create more mental clutter, not less. Repeat this cycle till you find yourself drifting off to dreamland.

Humming Bee Breath

This technique is a little bit more involved then previous breathing exercises we have mentioned. If your partner is a light sleeper, you may inadvertently wake them up so this is best for the solo sleeper. Start by closing your eyes and breathing in and out slowly. Focus on your breath and find your rhythm. Now take your hands and cover your ears with your palms and extend your fingers over your eyes. Place your index fingers on your eyebrows and press gently on your brows and the sides of your nose. Give yourself time to find a comfortable position where you can apply the pressure and keep the ears and eyes covered. Keep your lips closed and begin breathing in through your nostrils. Practice this breath once or twice until the third time, then on your exhale begin an “Om” in the back of your throat. Keep your mouth closed! You should experience a humming sensation in your head and audibly. On the inhale stay silent and your next exhale, continue with your humming “Om”. Repeat the cycle 5 times. 

Simply Breathe

Sometimes the simplest solution is the most effective. Find your breath and focus on your inhales and exhales. Center your breath in your body, equal between the lungs and diaphragm, and start slowing your breath down. Try to to add a second to each inhale and exhale till you are breathing in for 5 counts and out for 5 counts. Be patient with yourself and allow yourself to extend your breath slowly. If all goes according to plan you will wake up refreshed! This is also a great breathing exercise to use before more advanced ones. Especially if you find yourself short of breath or breathing too rapidly to successfully complete an exercise.

Alternate Nostril Breathing

Now this breathing technique is only for those who do not suffer from allergies! If you are experiencing any nasal congestion this can help force open the passages naturally, but it definitely won't be as relaxing as we are intending here. Alternate nostril breathing is just as it sounds, breathing in through one nostril and out the other. This opens nasal passages and allows us to focus on our breathing above all else. To begin, press in one nostril gently while inhaling through the other. Switch nostrils for the exhale and begin your inhale then switch for the exhale. For example: Press in your right nostril and inhale through your left nostril, now release your right nostril and press in your left nostril and exhale. Remaining there, inhale through your right nostril, now press the right nostril and exhale through your left nostril. Repeat this cycle for 5 minutes. Remember to keep your mouth closed and only breathe through the one open nostril. If you find breathing difficult then this is not the exercise for you! This exercise for relaxing is only appropriate for those with clear and open nasal passages. 

Feel free to try all of these exercises and see which one is the best one for you. Keep in mind that what works one night, may not work another night. If you are one that really struggles with sleeping, it can help to keep a journal of your activities such as meals eaten, exercise and caffeine consumption. This is to see if any of these are causing the disruption of your sleep. With an understanding of why you can't sleep you can better treat how to make yourself sleep. If breathing exercises alone don't seem to help you can head over to our Tips for a Great Sleep article for more serious endeavors to naturally cure your sleeping problems. 

What are your favorite breathing exercises for sleep? What is the most unconventional thing you have ever done to help yourself fall asleep? Reach out to us with any comments or questions at