Trader Continued Education: One-on-One Session

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Trader Continued Education: One-on-One Session

  • 60 minute One-on-One TCE session

  • Client must have completed Introduction to Trading, or another one of our 4, 8, or 12 session course

  • Must be used within 30 days of purchase

Our TCE (Trader Continued Education) sessions are personalized coaching sessions designed to solve the specific problems that come up when you are an active trader. Trading is not just about money, there is emotional intelligence, stress, doubt, and fear that can effect your daily life.

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Many will tell you that trading is stressful (and they are correct), but there are many levels to this stress. Trades are of course stressful when you are on a losing streak, but they are also stressful when you’re winning. It is the stress of creating the money as well as the stress of anxiety about maintaining the wealth. We will analyze and tackle these stresses to keep yourself focused and centered. With our guidance, you can enter the battle against stress successfully, maintaining and improving your happiness and your trading skills despite what the markets are doing.